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Supernatural Living

Supported and Hosted by The Living Room Church, Torquay

About Awaken Academy

Jesus Christ has chosen you to be like Him!

Jesus didn’t choose you because of your worthiness or skill. You’ve been chosen simply because He loves you and has a great purpose for your life. He has prepared you for this moment in history so that you can make a difference with Him. You have important things to do!


The Bible says you’re a child of God. You have an amazing calling and He has strategically positioned you to demonstrate the Kingdom of Heaven through your life. This is your destiny.




Awaken Academy is for those who are wholeheartedly devoted to Jesus and want to go deeper in their commitment to become like Him. It is not about getting more head knowledge about God, but purely about cultivating a deeply personal and powerful relational connection with God and being transformed into the likeness of Jesus.​


Formerly CityWest College, which was in operation for four and a half years in Melton, we are excited to re-launch a dedicated supernatural academy in the Geelong and Surf Coast regions of Victoria, Australia.


Hosted and led by The Living Room Church (Torquay), this exciting series of subjects are aimed at equipping you to live the supernatural life, naturally! You will find practical teaching that will equip you to live up to your potential and take the reality of God's presence and power into every sphere of life.​





"Discovering Your Destiny"

Thursday 1st May, 2025



Oak Tree Place

25 Anderson St, Torquay, VIC 3228



Every Thursday evening during school terms: 6:30pm - 9:30pm. 



$250 per subject.

$150 for Students (Secondary & Tertiary).

Please get in touch with us if you require a Pensioner's discount.

Payment Plans are available upon request.

Offering one subject per term

Each subject runs for 9 weeks.

Cloudy Mountain

" inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think."


Subjects Offered at Awaken Academy

Awaken Academy Logo


Churches around the world are awakening to the urgent need of the followers of Jesus looking and sounding like Him. To reflect Jesus to the world around us must be an intentional and empowered choice. That's why Awaken Academy equip the people of God to represent Jesus to a world that needs a genuine encounter with His love, presence and power. Truth is...we owe the world an encounter with Jesus!


Our subjects have been selected to provide you with a solid foundation on which you will continue to build your expression of being Christlike. They are grounded in the belief that the normal Christian life is naturally supernatural, just like Jesus.


One of Jesus’ primary revelations was of God, a Father. God has been reconciled to all humanity. When we accept His reconciliation, our identity, spiritual inheritance and friendship with God change dramatically ...’old things pass away and all things become new’. He is intentionally devoted to releasing in us a confidence that He is extravagant in His ongoing pursuit of our freedom in Him. Come and discover the joy of deep friendship with God.


Topics include:

* The Secret Place

* Adoption and Sonship

* Identity Reborn

* Hindrances to intimacy

* Freedom through intimacy

* The Purpose of Sonship

And more...​



This subject is an introduction to the nature and purpose of prophetic revelation and its function in the body of Christ. You will learn how to listen to the voice of God and how to capture His prophetic word for your own life and those around you. You will be inspired and challenged to walk in a prophetic lifestyle and enter into a new life of supernatural living. Learn the art of prophetic ministry and be part of practical prophetic practice sessions in a safe learning environment.


Topics Include:

* Hearing and responding to God's voice

* Explore the ways that God communicates

* Words of knowledge and wisdom

* Weighing and evaluating a prophetic word

* Walking in a prophetic lifestyle

And more...​


Jesus set us an example in praying for the sick and seeing them healed. In this subject you will discover a great confidence in God’s desire and ability to heal; greater revelation of living in divine health; boldness in praying for people; and awareness of the leading

of the Holy Spirit. Learn practical skills and gain experience in praying for people to be healed in a safe learning environment.


Topics include:

* The biblical foundation of healing

* Using gifts of the Spirit in healing ministry

* Individual and team ministry in healing

* Hindrances to healing

* Keys to living in health

And more...​


Prayer shifts Heaven and Earth, spiritual and physical realities. Learn to seek the sound of Heaven and pray with boldness and authority. Unleash Heaven on Earth and see God do the impossible. With spiritual principles, practical skills and exercises, your prayer journey will be accelerated and transformed. Discover the power of intercession and how your prayers can impact your world.


Topics include:

* Developing prayer for breakthrough

* Keys to intercession and prayer ministry

* Praying in authority and power

* Understanding prayer ministry tools

* An introduction to Sozo prayer ministry

* Praying over social issues

And more...​


Although unseen, the spiritual realm is very real and we have the privilege of partnering with the Holy Spirit to release the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. This subject will equip you to recognise, experience and release the supernatural power of God in your daily life. Come for an adventure of discovery as you experience and encounter the supernatural.


Topics include:

* Understanding the Spirit realm

* The power of renewing your mind

* Operating in the gifts of the Spirit

* Developing awareness of the Holy Spirit

* The Holy Spirit and worship

And more...​


This dynamic subject is designed to enable you to understand and embrace your unique God-given destiny. Awaken your passions and unlock the dreams God has put within you. Be released into the bold and adventurous life God has always intended for you.


Topics include:

* Discover the divine call of God on your life

* Understand your unique spiritual DNA

* Identify passions, strengths and dreams

And more...​


Learn how to connect with Heaven’s heartbeat and proclaim it! You will engage with the presence of God and develop heartfelt expressions of worship that are pure and meaningful. Discover the many wonderful expressions of worship and how your unique touch can impact a generation.


Topics include:

* Developing personal creativity

* Embracing spontaneous and prophetic worship times

* Leading as a worshipper

And more...


Jesus commissioned his followers to make disciples of all people groups. In this subject, you will be equipped with the tools, understanding, and experience needed to live a lifestyle that actively makes disciples and spreads the reality of God's Kingdom. It will include helping people who are far from God, people who are searching, new Christians, as well as people who have been on this journey for a while.


Topics include:

* Discipleship - a process of maturity

* Jesus’ model of the ‘how’ as well as the ‘what’ of a disciple-making lifestyle​

* The role, function and lifestyle of a first-century disciple-maker

* Understanding the priority of the Father for His people

* How to lead a new Christian through their foundational steps

* How Jesus grew disciples

* The Show and Tell Gospel

And more...


We aim to offer more subjects and full-day intensives as the academy grows.

"I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father."


JOHN 14:12 (NLT)

Some of our Equippers

The Facilitators at Awaken Academy are local and experienced practitioners. They not only
bring great knowledge but also revelation and insight into the areas that they have journeyed in themselves. The sessions have strong Scriptural foundations, are highly practical and are full of discussion, interaction, activation and impartation. Come expecting an upgrade in your spiritual journey as their heart is to see you live up to all that Jesus has saved you into!

Photo of Mark Jurisic, Director of Studies.

Mark Jurisic

Lead Pastor of The Living Room Church and Awaken Academy Director of Studies and Facilitator.

Photo of Caroline Jurisic, Facilitator.

Caroline Jurisic

Co-Pastor of The Living Room Church and Awaken Academy Facilitator.

Guest Facilitators

We also have the privilege of welcoming various Guest Speakers/Facilitators to our Academy.

These hand-picked Equippers will add great value to your learning experience.

Details of who and when are still being finalised.

Photo of Elfrida De Beer, Facilitator.

Elfrida De Beer

Leadership Team at

The Living Room Church and Awaken Academy Facilitator.

Photo of Steve Brown, Facilitator.

Steve Brown

Lead Pastor of Torquay Christian Fellowship and Awaken Academy Facilitator.

Home: Testimonials
Rectangular Door

WHO is Awaken Academy for?


Awaken Academy is for those who feel stirred for more and are looking for an opportunity to dive into and explore what the Holy Spirit is doing.


Awaken Academy is for those who:

  • Have an established faith and are a dedicated follower of Jesus

  • Are willing to discover a life of greater purpose and impact

  • Are courageous enough to dive into a deeper level of surrender

  • Are willing to be vulnerable and ready for God to do a deep internal work

  • Are ready to commit to a process of transformation and growth

  • Are teachable and willing to learn

  • Are not opposed to the supernatural ways of God

  • Are willing to travel to our Torquay location

  • Can prioritise Thursday nights from 2nd May 2024, during the School Term

"For the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk; it is living by God’s power."





Please fill in and submit this registration form.

An initial deposit of $50 is required to secure your registration. The remaining amount will be required two weeks before the commencement of the subject. 


For all payments, please transfer funds to the following Bank Account details:

Name: CityWest Community Church Inc.

BSB: 083 758

Account Number: 64 038 5527

Please Include Your Name as the Reference


Choose the Subject/s included in this registration
Please choose payment option:

Thank you for your registration. We will soon be in touch with your confirmation.

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